Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 27: 30 minute Walk

Yeah, walking yesterday did not happen. See, I got up at 4:45 on Thursday to go swim, which we've already discussed, Dear Reader. And then I went to work until 4, then came home and took a power nap, then dealt with dinner. And then, instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour like I probably should have done, I stayed up to watch the President accept his nomination at the DNC. Which put me to bed at 11, and asleep closer to 12, which is at least an hour later than usual when I need to wake up at 6:30. So, work yesterday was an exercise in endurance in and of itself and I was exhausted by 4. So, instead of going to the gym- I did actually have my gym stuff with me this time- I came home and crashed. I did a little math, though, and I think that so long as I'm making at least 90% of my workouts, meaning 27 out of 30, I'll be fine. Therefore, I am not going to stress about making up yesterday's walk tomorrow. If I feel like it in the morning, I might try, but I'm not going to be upset if I decide to come home after church, either.

So, this morning, I had to make up for Wednesday's snafu. I got a slow start, because I was still tired, despite sleeping for nearly 9 hours (went to bed around 12:30 after I woke up after my nap around 9pm, woke up shortly after 9 am. Well, okay, I woke up at 7 to feed the cat, then went back to bed until 9-ish). But I had a plan- go to Target to pick up a new sports bra and other assortedness, deposit my checks in the bank, go do my workout, go to the grocery store and somehow get home before the OSU game at noon. Weeeelllll....yeah, no. I missed the first half. But I got all of it done!

My new shoes are pretty cushy, but I was disappointed that my feet still hurt. Not the sort of sharp achy pain I was getting with my old shoes, though. And it actually got better after about minute 18, so it may be a breaking in thing. I have until the beginning of December to return them so long as I don't wear them outside (treadmill is fine, though), so I'm going to give them two weeks and see how they feel then. Unless I forget and wear them out of the gym, in which case, I'll be committed to them. I think I can manage to remember for two weeks, though.

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