Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 32: Strength Training, Walk 28, Run 2

Today, I attempted to replicate the shoulder workout from Wednesday and kind of failed because I forgot to bring the sheet with the workout with me. So I was going from memory and while I have a very good memory, I don't think I remembered everything properly. But, I gave it a try. I did also find out that doing 1 set is very different from doing 3 sets and I had to drop the weight down in order to get all the way through even 2 sets. And I didn't on some exercises. That's fine, I don't mind too much (particularly since I'm not sure I was starting out with the right weight anyhow), but something to keep in mind going forward.

I also ran again! Woo! I went a tiny bit faster today and it was a little harder, but I was doing fine by the time I finished the whole thing. Next week, it gets bumped up to running 4 minutes. I suspect this will be the hardest bump for awhile, since it's doubling the amount of time I'm running and every other time will only be going up by 2 more minutes, which will only be 1/3 the week after, and then 1/4th, etc. So if I can't do all 4 minutes consecutively, I am not going to be upset. Or all that surprised, actually.

I also realized that I have a lot of data on how I'm feeling in terms of performance, etc (the answer: pretty good. Really TIRED, still, but I feel good otherwise), but no actual hard empirical data. Grad school and the last permanent job I had woke up the latent data nerd in me, and while I still leave the major statistical analysis to Heather, my sister-in-law, I can at least follow a trend line and make pretty graphs and figure percent. I don't have a smartphone that would have a fancy app for doing this, so I bought a daily planner with enough room to write things down while I'm at the gym (and to write the full strength training workout so if I forget the paper, I will have it. Unless I also forget the notebook. We'll endeavor to not do that). That will let me write things down like, how far, how fast, how heavy, etc. and then I can make a spreadsheet (I love spreadsheets) and then I can make graphs (I also love graphs). And then I will figure out how to plug them in here so you can also see the pretty graphs. Yay, data!

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